Treasures of the Hunt February 28, 2018 Choi's Orchids complex hybrid jiaho ho summer love sweetheart Norman's Orchids orchid orchid shop orchids peloric phalaenopsis +
Oncidium Additions! February 25, 2018 bert field leash ebay intergeneric lava burst puanani little dragon carmela oncidesa oncidium online order orchid orchids repot rex's luck firefly +
Progress Update: Freckles, Maihime, Sunspot, Eris February 22, 2018 appleblossom cattleya dendrobium epidendrum expo eye frances fox golden elf iwanagara Myrmecatavola new growth nubbin orchid orchids progress rachel's sunset glow roy tokunaga update +
Progress Update: Sweet Sugar Twins February 19, 2018 growth rot mistake oncidesa orchid orchids repotting sweet sugar +
Progress Update: The Ladybirds, Pink Wednesday February 17, 2018 book window community pot complex hybrid flower spike grouping high shelf new leaf orchid orchids phalaenopsis root growth +
The Spotted Fox February 12, 2018 cattleya frances fox Myrmecatavola Norman's Orchids orchid orchid shop orchids shop sun spots +
Newport Harbor Expo: Orchid Haul February 09, 2018 dendrobium epicattleya epidendrum haul iwanagara appleblossom neofinetia falcata Newport Harbor Orchid Expo oncidium orchid phalaenopsis potinara rachel's sunset glow slc tolumnia wilsonara +
Newport Harbor Orchid Expo 2018 February 09, 2018 2018 expo first show gallery Newport Harbor Orchid Expo orchid orchids show +
Community Pot: Pink Wednesday, The Ladybirds February 04, 2018 community pot complex hybrid grouping orchid orchids peloric petal anomaly phalaenopsis repotting +
Community Pot: The Bellas February 02, 2018 community pot complex hybrid flower spike grouping orchid orchids phalaenopsis repotting root growth root rot +
Progress Update: Phalaenopsis Family February 01, 2018 complex hybrid limp leaves little gem stripes orchid orchids phalaenopsis progress root growth root rot update +