Progress Update: Nameless, Godiva

The first flower spike.....

.....I've been able to rebloom is growing along so very well on Nameless. She seems to be doing splendidly so far in the semi-hydro. I haven't seen much mold or decomp in the pot which is a pleasant surprise since she went from bark to leca. I was, and still am, worried about the flower spike taking too much energy from the root system's development when she just went through such a big shock but I haven't seen any signs of distress as of yet. 

I would like to believe she would she stale the spike on her own if she felt she needed to conserve her strength, but phalaenopsis are complex hybrids and they can act weird sometimes because of the generations of hybridizing. I hope she keeps doing well and that I won't need to clip the spike back because I would really like to know which one of my original three she was. I want to rename her and I can't when I don't know what her flowers look like.

Godiva, my sweet goddess..... not looking so hot. She went through a lot of shock when I had to clip her old root system back on some of the older pseudobulbs. The old medium her nursery packed her in was terrible and decomposing which led to some shabby roots. 

I'm not sure how's she gonna fair since she's been yellowing a bit since the transition. One of her new growths is almost completely yellow and a larger pseudobulbs leaf seems to be on its way out. Her bulbs are all shriveled and I don't really see much activity. 

The largest of her new growths is showing the accordion-pattern on her leaves, which typically means that an orchid is dehydrated. I'm thinking some those roots were removed or damaged during the repotting process. Ugh, I've really got to be more gentle during repotting. 

Anyways, I would hate to lose her, my very first Sharry Baby. I'll be watching and praying for some root activity on this one.